
Is TikTok the Future of Hotel Bookings? What Hotels Need to Know

Is TikTok the Future of Hotel Bookings? What Hotels Need to Know

In the swiftly evolving digital landscape, TikTok is making waves far beyond its original scope as an entertainment platform.

Forget about poring over pages of links – younger generations want immediate, visual, and relatable responses, and TikTok is delivering just that. 

The implications of this for the hotel industry are profound – this shift in consumer behaviour signals a potential revolution in how hotels will attract, engage, and convert the next generation of guests.


According to Google’s own data, nearly 40% of Gen Z are now turning to TikTok over Google. 

And this is no passing trend – it’s a reflection of changing digital habits and preferences that have seen social media platforms transform into sources for information and inspiration in recent years.

One of the main drivers behind this shift is a preference for real, relevant content – on TikTok, people share their real-life experiences which feel more trustworthy than traditional reviews and search engine results. 

Earlier this year, TikTok began prompting users to add its search page directly to their phone home screens, positioning itself as a vital tool in the discovery process for products and services, including hotel stays. This move highlights TikTok’s ambition to compete with Google and become an essential part of users’ search habits.


Not yet, but all the signs are showing this is on the horizon.When asked about bringing direct hotel bookings to the platform in an interview with Skift, Stuart Flint – who heads TikTok’s global business solutions for Europe and Israel – said “watch this space”. He went on to discuss how commerce is a huge part of the platform’s growth, with users already used to making purchases through TikTok thanks to the soaring popularity of TikTok shop.

Douyin, TikTok’s counterpart in China, also offers a glimpse into the future, having integrated calendar-based hotel bookings back in 2023. This move, coupled with a modest service fee of just 4.5% of the transaction value, has positioned Douyin not just as a marketing tool but as a direct booking engine. For hotels outside China, this development is a clear indicator of TikTok’s potential trajectory in the global market.


For hotels, this means recognising that the first step in the guest booking journey is no longer a typed query into a search bar but potentially a scroll through social media – and this counts for Instagram, too. Your website is no longer the first place a potential guest might see you and so it’s important to have an active – and optimised – presence on social media. 

Rather than a separate entity, we think of our client’s social media channels as an addition to the onsite guest experience – a way to build anticipation ahead of check in and share memories of their stay after check out. In today’s marketing landscape – where brand community is your currency in an increasingly competitive sector – these platforms help form meaningful connections between your brand and your guests. 

While some hoteliers may be waiting for TikTok to add a booking option before investing, the savviest hotel brands are staying ahead of the curve and seeing the value of building their audience on the platform today. On the whole, though, the hotel industry has been slow on the uptake of embracing TikTok which means there’s a big opportunity to get ahead. 

Building a presence on TikTok now will allow your hotel brand to reach guests in the discovery and consideration stage of their booking journey and build their audience, creating a loyal following before direct booking options become available. This proactive approach can lead to higher engagement rates and stronger brand recognition, giving you a competitive edge in this rapidly evolving digital landscape.


TikTok’s engaging, story-style video content is perfectly suited to helping users discover new hotels and travel experiences. Hotels can create visually appealing, authentic content that highlights unique aspects of their properties, local attractions, and guest experiences. By telling a compelling story, hotels can capture the attention of potential guests in a way that traditional ads might not. 

We manage TikTok for a number of our hotel clients – here are some of the strategies we use to grow their accounts and drive web traffic from this platform. 

Tap into existing communities

TikTok is home to vibrant travel communities that share experiences, tips, and recommendations. These niche communities, driven both by influencers and everyday users, play a crucial role in shaping travel trends and culture. 

Hotels can engage with these communities by participating in travel-related challenges and using popular hashtags like #TravelTok, #Wanderlust, and #HotelLife. This approach not only increases visibility but also builds trust through genuine, community-driven content. Leveraging the influence of these communities helps hotels reach a wider audience and create meaningful connections with potential guests.

Encourage user-generated content

Motivating guests to share their experiences on TikTok is a powerful strategy for hotels. User-generated content (UGC) not only provides authentic promotion but also fosters a sense of community and trust among potential guests.

To encourage this, you could offer incentives such as discounts, complimentary services, or chances to win free stays to guests who share their experiences using your branded hashtag – all of which can significantly increase participation and the volume of UGC.

We also encourage regularly featuring user-generated content on your hotel’s TikTok page (and other social channels!). This not only shows appreciation for guests’ contributions but also provides social proof to potential guests, highlighting real guest experiences in a way that can be more persuasive than traditional marketing content.

Leverage influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool for hotels to reach and engage their target audience on TikTok. By partnering with influencers who align with your brand values and appeal to your desired demographics, hotels can build trust, increase brand visibility, and engage with a wider audience on TikTok.

But with so many influencers out there, where do you start? Firstly, look for influencers who share your hotel’s aesthetic and ethos. Focus on micro-influencers (those with 10,000 to 100,000 followers) as they often have highly engaged audiences and offer more authentic interactions. 

Work with these influencers to create content that showcases genuine experiences at your hotel. This could include room tours, showcasing amenities, local attractions, or behind-the-scenes looks at hotel operations. Authenticity is key –  the content should feel natural and unscripted.

As with any influencer campaign, be sure to use TikTok’s analytics tools to monitor performance and measure success. Track engagement rates, follower growth and website traffic generated from influencer partnerships – then use these insights to adjust your strategy and optimise future campaigns. 

Utilise TikTok Ads

Investing in TikTok’s advertising platform can significantly benefit hotels by reaching a broader, highly engaged audience. 

In-feed ads seamlessly integrate into users’ feeds, providing a natural way to capture attention that feels native to the platform. Branded effects, such as custom filters and augmented reality (AR) features, offer interactive experiences that can make your campaigns memorable. You can also leverage trending sounds, challenges, and themes to make your ads more relevant and appealing. This approach increases the likelihood of content being shared and interacted with, expanding your reach organically.

TikTok’s advanced targeting options allow hotels to reach specific demographics, such as travelers interested in particular destinations, age groups, or lifestyle preferences. This ensures that ads are shown to users who are most likely to be interested in booking a stay.

To be effective, ads should be visually appealing, creative, and designed to engage users quickly and meaningfully, ensuring your hotel stands out in a crowded digital landscape.

Stay on top of trends

Keeping on top of the latest TikTok trends is crucial for hotels aiming to maximise their reach and engagement on the platform. Trends on TikTok evolve rapidly, and being quick to incorporate them into your content strategy can significantly boost your visibility.

TikTok’s Discover page highlights what is currently popular on the platform and can provide inspiration for your content. This is one of the ways our team stays updated on trending audio, challenges and hashtags – all features that can help your content gain traction. By tapping into current trends, hotels can make their content more relevant to what users are already engaging with, increasing the likelihood of it being shared and going viral.

Participating in or creating your own challenges is another way to drive user engagement. For example, a hotel could launch a challenge encouraging guests to share their favourite travel moments or experiences at the hotel, using a branded hashtag. You can also align content with seasonal trends or events to stay relevant and engaging.

Ultimately, leveraging trends allows hotels to present their brand in a fun and authentic way, which resonates well with TikTok’s audience.

Avoid direct sales messaging

On TikTok – as with all social media channels – we recommend hotels focus on creating engaging, entertaining and emotionally-driven content rather than direct sales pitches. 

Instead, develop content that tells a story about your hotel – whether that’s real guest testimonials, behind the scenes glimpses at the day-to-day, or sharing local knowledge about the best places to go in your neighbourhood. By sharing content that shows the true experience on offer, you are subtly selling without the need for in-your-face sales messaging that your audience finds off-putting. This isn’t to say that promotional posts do not have any place on social media – they do. But getting the balance right is important. Save the sales pitch for your ads or for specific, time-limited promotions – it will have far more impact that way.

These are just a few of the strategies we use for our client’s TikTok accounts – you can also visit our complete guide to using TikTok for hotel marketing for more in-depth and step-by-step examples.


For hotels, the significant influence of social media and the growing adoption of AI in travel planning underscore a broader shift towards more personalised, connected, and tech-driven travel experiences. This rivalry between traditional search engines and social media platforms will spur innovation, ultimately leading to more tailored and efficient search experiences for users.

By understanding and catering to the preferences of Gen Z, hotels can stay ahead of the curve and create memorable experiences that resonate with this influential demographic. As Gen Z continues to shape the landscape of consumer behavior, hotels must adapt by embracing the infinite loop of inspiration, exploration, community, and loyalty. 

We hope you enjoyed our article on ‘Is TikTok the future of hotel bookings?’.

If you’re looking for support with starting or managing your hotel’s TikTok account, our team can help – email hello@staythenight.net to find out how we can grow your hotel’s brand and drive traffic from this platform.

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